IV Kant Multilateral Colloquium | Tiradentes, August 11 – 14, 2013 | Second Call for Papers
The Organizing Committee of IV KANT MULTILATERAL COLLOQUIUM has changed the rule regarding the language of the translated text for power-point projection. Instead of presenting the talk translated version only in English, the participant can now choose between the Colloquium official languages the one he/she wants.
The following corrections should be made in the text of CALL FOR PAPERS:
In the fifth paragraph, the second sentence should read:
“Talks can be given in any of these official languages, but a version translated into one of these languages (different from that of the talk) should be provided for power point projection”.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Best regards,
Organizing Committee
IV Kant Multilateral Colloquium – Tiradentes, Brazil, August 11 – 14, 2013
Kant and the metaphors of reason
Deadline for submission: April 12, 2013.