Eventos – Sociedade Kant Brasileira https://www.sociedadekant.org Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:46:36 +0000 pt-BR hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.sociedadekant.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-skb-logo-1-32x32.png Eventos – Sociedade Kant Brasileira https://www.sociedadekant.org 32 32 1ª Jornada do Atelier Kant de doutorandos e pós-doutorados https://www.sociedadekant.org/2023/03/24/1a-jornada-do-atelier-kant-de-doutorandos-e-pos-doutorados/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2023/03/24/1a-jornada-do-atelier-kant-de-doutorandos-e-pos-doutorados/#respond Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:46:35 +0000 https://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=1689
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Com o objetivo de promover o desenvolvimento, a discussão e divulgação dos trabalhos de pesquisa sobre Kant por doutorandos e pós-doutorandos, a Sociedade Kant Brasileira convida para submissão interessados em ter seu trabalho discutido na 1ª Jornada do Atelier de estudantes de pós-graduação, que ocorrerá em formato remoto no dia 04 de maio, das 14h00 às 16h30.

Dois trabalhos selecionados serão discutidos nesta primeira jornada. Os trabalhos serão enviados a todos os participantes inscritos para poderem ser lidos antes do encontro pelos participantes. No evento, o estudante deverá fazer uma breve introdução de até 20 minutos, que será seguida de até 90 minutos de discussão.

Estudantes e pesquisadores que tiverem seus textos debatidos no ateliê e que tiverem um trabalho bastante desenvolvido serão convidados a submeter seus textos para serem avaliados e, caso aprovados, publicados na Studia Kantiana'”

Os trabalhos deverão ter entre 10 e 15 páginas (não contada a bibliografia), na seguinte formatação: fonte Times New Roman ou similar tamanho 12, espaçamento 1,5, margens 2 cm. O texto pode ter o formato de artigo, ensaio, projeto ou capítulo desde que relacionado à pesquisa em andamento sobre Kant. As submissões devem ser enviadas até 20 de abril pelo link abaixo. A divulgação dos textos selecionados será feita até 30 de abril, quando os textos serão igualmente encaminhados aos demais inscritos no evento.

Link para submissões até 20 abril de 2023

Link para inscrições (com ou sem submissão de trabalho)

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Convite Kant Zentrum NRW https://www.sociedadekant.org/2023/03/24/convite-kant-zentrum-nrw/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2023/03/24/convite-kant-zentrum-nrw/#respond Fri, 24 Mar 2023 19:34:12 +0000 https://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=1687
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The Kant Zentrum NRW is pleased to invite you to a lecture by Dr. habil. 
Stephan Zimmermann (Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg) on “Was 
versteht Kant unter einer „Ausnahme“?  Zur Unterscheidung vollkommener 
und unvollkommener Pflichten in der Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.” 
The talk will take place online (via Zoom) on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 
18:00 – 20:00 CET.
It is the first lecture in the series Digital Kant Lectures, organized by the 
Digital Kant Zentrum NRW, which takes place every last Wednesday of the month 
via Zoom. The program of the series can be found here: 

Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 659 9995 7853
Kenncode: ud21YW+c

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GT Kant XIX Encontro da Anpof https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/11/02/gt-kant-xix-encontro-da-anpof/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/11/02/gt-kant-xix-encontro-da-anpof/#respond Wed, 02 Nov 2022 14:28:00 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=1235
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Confirma a programação do GT Kant no XIX Encontro Nacioal da Anpof em 2022

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KANT 300 https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/09/13/14th-international-kant-congress-2024-kaliningrad-russia/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/09/13/14th-international-kant-congress-2024-kaliningrad-russia/#respond Tue, 13 Sep 2022 10:35:00 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=1003
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Kant’s Project of Enlightenment 14th International Kant Congress Bonn, September 8–13, 2024


About the congress

The 14th International Kant Congress will be organized and hosted by the University of Bonn and the Kant Society (Germany). In celebration of the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth, and in view of the political developments of our time, the theme of the congress will be “Kant’s Project of Enlightenment”. In 2024, the city of Bonn will also be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the German Constitution, which was enacted into law in Bonn on May 23, 1949, as the Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Enlightenment emphasized the moral autonomy of the individual and the inalienable political rights of all human beings. Its aim was to overcome deeply engrained prejudices in religion, the state, and society and to defend the principles of rational criticism and emancipation, all while advocating a scientific orientation to the world. The ideas of the Enlightenment are understood to be universal: All human beings are to be considered equal, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. Kant remains one of the most important representatives of the European Enlightenment and one of its central contributors.


Kant and the Enlightenment

Kant’s pre-critical philosophy


Epistemology and logic

Philosophy of science, philosophy of nature, and teleology

Ethics and moral philosophy

Philosophy of law and political philosophy

Philosophy of history and culture

Philosophy of education, anthropology, and psychology

Religion and theology

Aesthetics and art theory

Kant and German idealism

Kant and neo-Kantianism

Kant and phenomenology

Kant and analytic philosophy

Kant in contemporary practical philosophy

Kant and global challenges: poverty, climate change, migration

Kant and the challenges of artificial intelligence

Kant and non-Western philosophy

Kant as a source of inspiration for the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany

Kant and the problems of social marginalization

Important dates

May 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023: Call for Papers

July 31, 2023: Notification of acceptance of contributions

Call for papers

The call for papers will run from May 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023. Please submit a full paper of up to 20,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, and references) and an abstract of approximately 1,000 characters (including spaces, in English). Papers may be written in either one of the congress languages (English, French, Spanish or German) and should relate to one of the 20 sections listed above. Please indicate clearly which section(s) your paper falls under. Contributions will be subject to anonymous peer review. To ensure objectivity, contributions must not contain references to the author’s previous work or any elements that could reveal the author’s identity. Contributions must be submitted as a PDF file.

The selected papers will be allocated a time slot of 30 minutes, including Q&A (presentation: 20 minutes; Q&A: 10 minutes). Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review by July 31, 2023.

Please submit your contribution here: https://express.converia.de/frontend/index.php?sub=903

Those who wish to participate in the conference without submitting a paper are also welcome to register for the event.


Registration fees (for both presenters and non-presenters): Regular tariff (entire conference): 150 EUR

Reduced fare: 75 EUR Day ticket: 35 EUR

Students (with valid ID): 35 EUR

Exceptions are possible in cases of hardship.

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Kant: Concepts, Imagination, and Aesthetic Appreciation https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/03/16/kant-concepts-imagination-and-aesthetic-appreciation/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2022/03/16/kant-concepts-imagination-and-aesthetic-appreciation/#respond Wed, 16 Mar 2022 15:53:00 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=1050
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Read Time:4 Minute, 20 Second

Nova University Lisbon

Keynote speaker: Angela Breitenbach (University of Cambridge)

Kant’s requirements for a judgment to become a judgment of taste are often viewed as especially limiting. He has been taken to rule out almost any judgment of beauty that is grounded on concepts or aimed at them. And yet, a number of readings of the Critique of the Power of Judgment suggest that Kant’s aesthetic theory is particularly inclusive. From flowers to representational paintings, and from mathematical demonstrations to moral statements – anything, in principle, can become an object of aesthetic appreciation. A common denominator of such readings of the third Critique is reference to the freedom of imagination: as long as imagination acts freely and moves in a free play, then aesthetic appreciation is possible. This is despite the involvement of concepts – or indeed, some commentators even claim that this is due to the participation of concepts. ?It is the main aim of this conference to consider arguments in favor and against the possibility of aesthetic appreciation which takes concepts into account.

Download the programme here.

To join the sessions on Zoom, use this link.



João Lemos, Nova University Lisbon
Rachel Siow Robertson, University of Cambridge / The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion
António Marques, Nova University Lisbon


IFILNOVA (EPLab, Kant Reading Group)
FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia



09:00 – 09:30

Opening remarks

João Constâncio (Director of IFILNOVA), António Marques, João Lemos, and Rachel Siow Robertson

09:30 – 11:00

Keynote Lecture: Angela Breitenbach (University of Cambridge), ‘Aesthetics and cognition in Kant’

09:30 – 10:15 Lecture

10:15 – 11:00 Discussion (Chair: João Lemos)

11:30 – 11:15


11:15 – 12:45

Session One

11:15 – 11:45 Selda Salman (Istanbul Kultur University), ‘Conceptual and nonconceptual contents and the fate of the imagination’

11:45 – 12:15 Robert Clewis (Gwynedd Mercy University), ‘How to Distinguish and Reconcile Sensitive and Conceptual Taste’

12:15 – 12:45 Discussion (Chair: Rachel Siow Robertson)

12:45 – 14:00


14:00 – 15:30

Session Two

14:00 – 14:30 Luigi Filieri (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), ‘The Free Lawfulness of Kant’s Aesthetic Schematism’

14:30 – 15:00 Senthuran Bhuvanendra (University of Cambridge), ‘Exercising free lawful imagination through the dynamic feeling of life’

15:00 – 15:30 Discussion (Chair: Francisco Lisboa)

15:30 – 15:45


15:45 – 17:15

Session Three

15:45 – 16:15 Lyra Ekström Lindbäck (University of Pardubice), ‘The Non-Conceptuality of the Aesthetic Judgement and the Conceptual Art of Literature’

16:15 – 16:45 Rachel Siow Robertson (University of Cambridge / The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion), ‘Kant on Embodiment and Aesthetic Appreciation’

16:45 – 17:15 Discussion (Chair: João Lemos)

17:15 – 17:30


17:30 – 19:00

Session Four

17:30 – 18:00 Saniye Vatansever (Bilkent University), ‘The Cognitive Basis of Disinterested Pleasure in Kant: How and Why Works of Art Help with Mental Growth’

18:00 – 18:30 Lou Agosta (Ross Medical University), ‘A Rumor of Empathy in Kant’s Aesthetics and Critique of Judgment’

18:30 – 19:00 Discussion (Chair: Francisco Maia)


09:00 – 10:30

Session One

09:00 – 09:30 Moran Godess-Riccitelli (Bar-Ilan University / University of Potsdam), ‘The Figurative Language of Nature. How to Represent Natural Beauty as Meaningful?’

09:30 – 10:00, Aviv Reiter (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) & Ido Geiger (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), ‘Kant’s Analytic of the Beautiful and the Question of its Application to Fine Art’

10:00 – 10:30 Discussion (Chair: João Lemos)

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 12:15

Session Two

10:45 – 11:15 Tiago Sousa (University of Minho), ‘Is Kant a musical formalist? The problematic relationship between form, representation and expression in the Kantian musical aesthetic judgment’

11:15 – 11:45 João Lemos (Nova University of Lisbon), ‘Unpacking 5: 327 using Kant’s lectures’

11:45 – 12:15 Discussion (Chair: Rachel Siow Robertson)

12:15 – 13:30


13:30 – 15:00

Session Three

13:30 – 14:00 Elena Romano (Freie Universität Berlin), ‘Can everything be beautiful? A Kantian puzzle’

14:00 – 14:30 Larissa Berger (Hannover Institute for Philosophical Research / Massachusetts Institute of Technology), ‘Why there must be a Kantian conception of ugliness, and why there cannot be one’

14:30 – 15:00 Discussion (Chair: Francisco Lisboa)

15:00 – 15:15


15:15 – 16:45

Session Four

15:15 – 15:45 Fernando Silva (University of Lisbon), ‘“All inventions are the offspring of poetry”. Kant on the singularity of imaginative creation’

15:45 – 16:15 Júlia Vernet (University of Barcelona), ‘The Gemüt in the third Critique of Kant as a key to understand the relation between imagination and freedom’

16:15 – 16:45 Discussion (Chair: Rachel Siow Robertson)

16:45 – 17:00


17:00 – 18:30

Session Five

17:00 – 17:30 Inês Salgueiro (University of Coimbra / Nova University of Lisbon), ‘A Kantian Defence of Environmental Concern’

17:30 – 18:00 Semyon Reshenin (University of Tartu), ‘Aesthetic experience as a condition for the moral practice’

18:00 – 18:30 Discussion (Chair: Francisco Maia)


Closing remarks

João Lemos and Rachel Siow Robertson

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Kant: Concepts, Imagination, and Aesthetic | Conference at NOVA University of Lisbon, 16-17 April 2020 https://www.sociedadekant.org/2019/12/15/kant-concepts-imagination-and-aesthetic-conference-at-nova-university-of-lisbon-16-17-april-2020/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2019/12/15/kant-concepts-imagination-and-aesthetic-conference-at-nova-university-of-lisbon-16-17-april-2020/#respond Sun, 15 Dec 2019 13:00:32 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=996
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Read Time:1 Minute, 52 Second

Kant: Concepts, Imagination, and Aesthetic Appreciation

– Conference, NOVA University of Lisbon, 16-17 April 2020 –

Keynote speaker: Angela Breitenbach, University of Cambridge

Organisers: João Lemos, NOVA University of Lisbon; António Marques, NOVA University of Lisbon; Rachel Robertson, University of Cambridge

Conference Theme: Kant’s requirements for a judgment to become a judgment of taste are often viewed as especially limiting. He has been taken to rule out almost any judgment of beauty that is grounded on concepts or aimed at them. And yet, a number of readings of the Critique of the Power of Judgment suggest that Kant’s aesthetic theory is particularly inclusive. From flowers to representational paintings, and from mathematical demonstrations to moral statements – anything, in principle, can become an object of aesthetic appreciation. A common denominator of such readings of the third Critique is reference to the freedom of imagination: as long as imagination acts freely and moves in a free play, then aesthetic appreciation is possible. This is despite the involvement of concepts – or indeed, some commentators even claim that this is due to the participation of concepts. It is the main aim of this conference to consider arguments in favor and against the possibility of aesthetic appreciation which takes concepts into account. We welcome contributions on the nature and contemporary relevance of Kant’s philosophy – in particular, his aesthetic theory, but also his theory of cognition and his moral and political philosophy.

Submission of Abstracts: Titles and abstracts in English (max. 750 words), prepared for blind review, must be emailed to joaolemos@fcsh.unl.pt or rsr35@cam.ac.uk by 31 January 2020. A second document with a short biographical note in English (max. 250 words) must be sent in the same email. Notices of acceptance will be sent out by 15 February 2020.

Language: If you wish to give a talk in a language other than English, please note that an English version of the paper must be provided upon acceptance, to be projected during your presentation.

Cost: There are no fees for participating in this conference. No funding is available for flights and accommodation, but the organisers can recommend accommodation on request.

Further information can be found at kantimagination.weebly.com

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Leuven Kant Conference | Call for Abstracts https://www.sociedadekant.org/2019/11/19/leuven-kant-conference-call-for-abstracts/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2019/11/19/leuven-kant-conference-call-for-abstracts/#respond Tue, 19 Nov 2019 11:21:32 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=991
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Read Time:1 Minute, 7 Second

Call for Abstracts


May 28-29, 2020

University of Leuven


Submission deadline: January 10, 2020

Keynote speakers:

Katerina Deligiorgi (University of Sussex, UK)

Patricia Kauark-Leite (Federal University of Minas Gerais, BR)

John Zammito (Rice University, USA)

The Institute of Philosophy of the University of Leuven invites submissions for the yearly Leuven Kant Conference. Papers are welcome on any aspect of Kant’s philosophy. The conference aims at stimulating fruitful exchanges between established scholars, young researchers, and PhD students. Presentation time will be 25 minutes + 20 minutes for discussion.

Abstracts (no more than 500 words) should be sent in word format, as attachment, to leuvenkantconference@kuleuven.be

Abstracts, including the title, should be prepared for double-blind review by removing any identification details. The author’s name, paper title, institutional position and affiliation, as well as contact information, should be included in the body of the email.

Notification of acceptance by February 10, 2020.

See http://hiw.kuleuven.be/eng/events/leuvenkantconference

We offer a number of travel grants to PhD students and other early career researchers without funding of their own.

Organizers: Karin de Boer (University of Leuven), Arnaud Pelletier (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Simon Truwant (University of Leuven), Luciano Perulli (University of Leuven)

University of Leuven
Institute of Philosophy
Kardinaal Mercierplein 2
3000 Leuven



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VI Congresso da Sociedade Kant Brasileira | 11 a 14 de Junho de 2018 | Chamada para apresentação de trabalho https://www.sociedadekant.org/2018/01/20/vi-congresso-da-sociedade-kant-brasileira-11-a-14-de-junho-de-2018-chamada-para-apresentacao-de-trabalho/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2018/01/20/vi-congresso-da-sociedade-kant-brasileira-11-a-14-de-junho-de-2018-chamada-para-apresentacao-de-trabalho/#respond Sat, 20 Jan 2018 10:23:57 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=982
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Read Time:2 Minute, 26 Second

VI Congresso da Sociedade Kant Brasileira

11 a 14 de Junho de 2018

“As pretensões da razão”

Chamada para apresentação de trabalho – comunicações e painéis

Caras kantianas, caros kantianos,

O Congresso da Sociedade Kant Brasileira, realizado periodicamente a cada cinco anos, é um evento tradicional no país que reúne desde 1994 a comunidade de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores da obra de Immanuel Kant e da herança do pensamento kantiano no Brasil. É com muito prazer que anunciamos a sexta edição do evento que terá como tema “As pretensões da razão” e será realizado entre os dias 11 e 14 de junho de 2018, no Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), em Campinas-SP.

O VI Congresso da SKB contará com os seguintes convidados já confirmados para as conferências plenárias: Guido Antônio de Almeida (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Zelijko Loparic (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), Ricardo Ribeiro Terra (Universidade de São Paulo), Patricia Kitcher (Columbia University), Pauline Kleingeld (University of Groningen), Bernd Dörflinger (Universität Trier) e Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College). Além das conferências plenárias, estão previstas também conferências de professoras e professores, cujos trabalhos são referência em diversas áreas da pesquisa em Kant, assim como debates sobre livros e traduções recentemente lançados.

O congresso também contará com mesas de comunicação e painéis para a apresentação de trabalhos, que serão selecionados pela comissão organizadora do congresso. As mesas de comunicação serão compostas por docentes e pós-doutorandas(os), que terão 25 minutos para apresentação de trabalho e 20 minutos para discussão. Os painéis para apresentação de pesquisa serão compostos por estudantes de mestrado e doutorado, com apresentações de 30 minutos, divididos em 15 minutos de exposição e 15 minutos de debate. Neste caso, os trabalhos devem ser enviados integralmente com antecedência, pois deverão lidos pelos integrantes do painel e debatidos por um(a) professor(a) ou pós-doutor(a).

Convidamos a todas e todos a submeterem seus trabalhos ao e-mail congressoskb2018@gmail.com de acordo com as seguintes diretrizes:

1. Docentes e pós-doutoras(es) deverão enviar um resumo expandido de até 400 palavras (aproximadamente 1 página), em arquivo anexo, identificado apenas com o título do trabalho.

2. Estudantes de mestrado e doutorado deverão enviar o trabalho completo, com no máximo 8 páginas, fonte 12, espaçamento 1,5, em arquivo anexo, identificado apenas com o título do trabalho.

No corpo do e-mail devem ser apresentados os seguintes dados: Nome, Título do texto, Categoria (docente ou pós-graduando), Titulação máxima, Instituição atual.

Data limite para o envio: 28 de fevereiro de 2018.

Alertamos que, devido às dificuldades de financiamento, não cobriremos as despesas de viagem e hospedagem. Sugerimos que as verbas de custeio sejam obtidas junto às instituições de origem.

Em breve disponibilizaremos os endereços de hotéis e pousadas próximas ao local do Congresso.

Maria de Lourdes Borges
Presidenta da Sociedade Kant Brasileira
Monique Hulshof
Coordenadora do VI Congresso da SKB



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XVIII Colóquio Kant da Unicamp: Semântica e filosofia https://www.sociedadekant.org/2017/09/07/xviii-coloquio-kant-da-unicamp-semantica-e-filosofia/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2017/09/07/xviii-coloquio-kant-da-unicamp-semantica-e-filosofia/#respond Thu, 07 Sep 2017 11:37:31 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=978
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XVIII Colóquio Kant da Unicamp: Semântica e filosofia

14 de setembro de 2017

Local: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH)

A partir das 9.30 horas

Luciana Martínez (UBA, CONICET): ¿Se pueden definir las categorías? Sobre la definición y el significado en la “Analítica de los principios”

Pablo Moscón (UBA, CONICET): La pregunta por la posibilidad de los juicios sintéticos a priori prácticos y el “factum de la razón” en la interpretación semántica de Kant

Javier Echarri (UBA): ¿Le corresponde a la antropología en sentido pragmático una proposición fundamental?

Natalia Lerussi (UBA, CONICET): Reflexiones en torno a una disputa entre Daniel Omar Pérez y Ricardo Terra acerca del significado de la historia en el pensamiento crítico de Kant.

Jorge Conceição (Unibrasil): Antropologia pragmática como uma doutrina da prudência nas versões dos cursos de Antropologia de Kant

Comissão Organizadora

Daniel Omar Perez
André Oliveira
Marcelo Hanser Saraiva
Rodrigo Castilho
Samia Souen
Reginaldo Lima



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XIIIe Congrès international de la Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française | 13-15 septembre 2017 | Porto, Portugal https://www.sociedadekant.org/2016/09/08/xiiie-congres-international-de-la-societe-detudes-kantiennes-de-langue-francaise-13-15-septembre-2017-porto-portugal/ https://www.sociedadekant.org/2016/09/08/xiiie-congres-international-de-la-societe-detudes-kantiennes-de-langue-francaise-13-15-septembre-2017-porto-portugal/#respond Thu, 08 Sep 2016 19:51:33 +0000 http://www.sociedadekant.org/?p=931
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XIIIe Congrès international
de la Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française

13-15 septembre 2017

« Kant et l’humain :
Géographie, psychologie, anthropologie »

Lettre circulaire – Appel à communications

Chère Collègue, cher Collègue,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à prendre part au XIIIe Congrès international de la Société d’Études Kantiennes de Langue Française, qui aura lieu du 13 au 15 septembre 2017 à l’Université Portucalense, Porto (Portugal).

Ce XIIIe Congrès sera consacré à l’examen des figures kantiennes de l’humain et des sciences qui, selon Kant, font de l’humain leur objet fondamental, notamment la géographie, la psychologie et l’anthropologie.

Il s’agira d’étudier et d’interroger à la fois : 1) le sens kantien de l’humain ou de l’huma¬nité (en tant qu’espèce et en tant que « personnalité »), dont l’élucidation convoque l’histoire de la philosophie et de la culture européenne ; 2) la primauté de la signi¬fication « cosmique », cosmopolitique et éthique de l’humain dans le cadre de la philo¬sophie pratique de Kant ; 3) le statut épistémologique de la géographie, de la psycho¬logie et de l’anthropologie en tant que « sciences kantiennes de l’humain » ; 4) l’héri¬tage kantien en ces domaines dans la pensée actuelle.

Les communications auront une durée maximale de 30 minutes, et chaque groupe thématique de communications sera suivi d’une discussion de 30 minutes.

Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir adresser le titre de votre communication, accompagné d’un résumé de cinq à dix lignes jusqu’au 30 avril 2017, soit par voie électronique (seklf2017@gmail.com), soit par voie postale : Paulo Jesus, Universidade Portucalense, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, nº 541, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal.

À l’issue du Congrès, une publication des Actes est prévue sous forme d’un ouvrage collectif, après révisions et corrections. En vue de préparer les communications orales ainsi que la future publication des Actes et afin d’harmoniser la présentation du volume, nous demandons à chaque contributeur de bien vouloir donner, pour chaque texte cité de Kant, dans une note de bas de page, la double référence suivante :
1) pour le texte allemand à l’édition de l’Académie de Berlin (volume en chiffres romains, page en chiffres arabes ; ex : AK III, 21),
2) pour la traduction française à l’édition de la Pléiade (Kant, Œuvres philosophiques, Paris, Gallimard, en 3 volumes, 1980-1986 ; volume en chiffres romains, page en chiffres arabes ; ex : OP II, 143), chaque fois que cela est possible. Pour les ouvrages non traduits ou seulement partiellement traduits dans la « Biblio-thèque de la Pléiade », chaque contributeur précisera, outre la référence à l’Académie, la traduction qu’il a choisie.

Prochainement, nous vous annoncerons la création d’une page web avec des renseignements utiles concernant votre voyage et votre séjour à Porto.

Dans l’attente de vos réponses, et en espérant vous voir nombreuses et nombreux à Porto, nous vous prions d’agréer, cher(e)s collègues, nos plus cordiales salutations.

Paulo Jesus

Au nom du Comité d’organisation :
Diogo Sardinha (Univ. de Lisbonne et Collège international de philosophie)
Fernando Silva (Centre de philosophie de l’université de Lisbonne)
Gualtiero Lorini (Centre de philosophie de l’université de Lisbonne)
Leonel Santos (Centre de philosophie de l’université de Lisbonne)
Núria Sánchez Madrid (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)
Paulo Tunhas (Institut de philosophie de l’université de Porto)
Roberto Aramayo (Instituto de Filosofía del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid)
Sofia Miguens (Institut de philosophie de l’université de Porto)
Soraya Nour (Centre de philosophie de l’université de Lisbonne et Collège international de philosophie, Paris)

Comité scientifique : Jean Ferrari, Sophie Grapotte, Mai Lequan, Evangelos Moutsopoulos, Claude Piché, Margit Ruffing, Gerhard Seel, Ingeborg Schüssler, Ricardo Terra, Robert Theis.

À Porto, le 3 septembre 2016



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https://www.sociedadekant.org/2016/09/08/xiiie-congres-international-de-la-societe-detudes-kantiennes-de-langue-francaise-13-15-septembre-2017-porto-portugal/feed/ 0