Notícia – Sociedade Kant Brasileira Tue, 19 Nov 2024 21:05:14 +0000 pt-BR hourly 1 Notícia – Sociedade Kant Brasileira 32 32 Divulgação – Colóquio Immanuel Kant: 300 anos depois Tue, 19 Nov 2024 21:05:11 +0000
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Read Time:2 Minute, 6 Second

Colóquio Immanuel Kant (1724-2024): 300 Anos Depois


25-27.November.2024 – Porto Alegre, Brasilien

Segunda-feira 25/11 Monday – Presencial – Tarde – 14h às 18h30

Opening Table / Mesa Redonda

14h-14h40: Sílvia Altmann (UFRGS, Sociedade Kant Brasileira): “Kant e a consciência como fundamento da diferença de forma de cognição”

14h40-15h20: Delamar Dutra (UFSC), “Da irracionalidade, a racionalidade: reconhecimento e filosofia da história em Kant”


Moderação: Nythamar de Oliveira

15h30 – 16h: Coffee Break

Mesa Redonda

16h00-16h40: Cinara Nahra (UFRN), “O Dever não está morto”


Robinson Santos (UFPel), “Sobre o dever: Cícero e Kant”

17h20 – 18h: Keberson Bresolin (UFPel), “Kant: Razão pública e mídias sociais”


Moderação: Silvia Altmann

Terça-feira 26/11 Tuesday – presencial 9h às 18h

Mesa Redonda

9h00-09h40: Maria Borges (UFSC, SKB), “Kant Enlightenment and his conceptuon of women”

09h40-10h20: Nythamar de Oliveira (PUCRS), “Normative challenges for a Kantian AI Ethics”

10h20-10h40: Debate

Moderação: Ricardo Crissiuma

10h40-11h: Coffee Break


11h-11h40: Christoph Horn (Bonn, Kant-Gesellschaft)

11h40-12h00: Debate

Moderação: Draiton de Souza

12h – 14h: Almoço

Mesa Redonda

14h00-14h40: Monique Hulshof (UNICAMP, SKB), “A sociedade doméstica em Achenwall e Kant”

14h40-15h20: Diego Kosbiau Trevisan (UFSC, SKB): “A lex permissiva e o juízo político em Kant”

15h20-16h00: Debate

Moderação: Jair Tauchen

Quarta-feira 27/11 Wednesday Nov 27 – Zoom – 9h às 16h

Zoom Link:…

Meeting ID: 936 3364 9692

Passcode: 324843

9h00-9h40: Luigi Caranti and Diana Piroli (University of Catania, Italy), “Climate Change and Natural Beauty: Kant’s Moderate Biocentrism” (13h00 Italy time zone)

9h40-10h20: Joel Klein, “The role of unsocial sociability in context of Kant’s philosophy of right”

10h20-10h40: Debate

10h40-11h20: Luciana Martínez (Universidade de Lisboa), “O problema da infinita divisibilidade da matéria” (13h40 Portugal time)

11h20-11h40: Soraya Nour (NOVA School of Law) (14h20 Portugal time)

11h40-12h00: Debate

14h00-14h40: Mitieli Seixas (UFSM), “A formação de conceitos em Kant”

14h40-15h20: Celso Pinheiro (UFPR), “Educação moral como princípio para a formação do cidadão em Kant”

15h20-16h00: Giorgia Cecchinato (UFMG, SKB) : “A Crítica da faculdade de julgar e o Neokantismo da Escola de Baden”


Moderação: Camila Barbosa

Encerramento / Closing Remarks

Apoio / Support:

Centro de Estudos Europeus e Alemães – CDEA, PPG Filosofia PUCRS, PPG-Filosofia UFRGS, Sociedade Kant Brasileira, DAAD

Organizing Committee

Nythamar de Oliveira (PUCRS)

Silvia Altmann (UFRGS)

Draiton de Souza (PUCRS)

Camila Barbosa (PUCRS)

Ricardo Crissiuma (UFRGS)

Jair Tauchen (CDEA-DAAD)

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Cartaz e programação – XI Colóquio Kant “Clélia Martins” Fri, 01 Nov 2024 01:34:21 +0000
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Divulgação: Kant 300 (22 de agosto) Mon, 19 Aug 2024 22:25:41 +0000
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Convidamos para duas conferências no dia 22 de agosto de 2024

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Divulgação: XI Colóquio Kant “Clélia Martins” Mon, 19 Aug 2024 21:59:16 +0000
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Read Time:53 Second

Interessadas e interessados em participar com comunicação própria do XI Colóquio Kant “Clélia Martins”: Sentido da Vida, Sabedoria do Mundo, Destinação do Homem, evento científico internacional a ter lugar na Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências da UNESP, campus de Marília, no período de 20 a 22 de novembro p.f., inclusive, deverão observar as seguintes orientações:

1. As comunicações poderão ser feitas à distância ou presencialmente.

2. O tempo máximo de cada exposição é de quinze minutos.

3. Será admitido um só expositor por comunicação, mesmo quando houver mais de um autor envolvido nela.

4. Cada proponente poderá submeter uma só comunicação, seja como autor, seja como coautor.

5. Cada sessão conterá um máximo de quatro exposições subsequentes. Finda a última, haverá 30 minutos para perguntas e respostas.

6. O conteúdo da comunicação submetida deverá obrigatoriamente centrar-se no pensamento de Kant.

7. O texto completo da comunicação submetida deverá ser encaminhado até as 24:00 do dia 30 de setembro p.f., exclusivamente por meio de mensagem eletrônica para o seguinte endereço:

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Divulgação: “Kant and Our Present Times: Climate Change, Poverty, Expertise, and Education” Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:52:18 +0000
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Read Time:4 Minute, 17 Second

The Digital Kant-Centre NRW is pleased to invite you to a South American German Kant Conference. The conference with the topic “Kant and Our Present Times: Climate Change, Poverty, Expertise, and Education” will take place online (via Webex) on 16-17 August 2024, from 2-7 pm (CET). The aim of the conference is to discuss problems of our times against the backdrop of Kant’s philosophy and to establish a dialogue between Kant scholars from South America and Germany.

Please see below for the Webex-link and the program of the conference.

To stay informed about the activities of Digital Kant-Centre, please subscribe here to our newsletter.

Location: online (Webex)


Time: August 16 &17, 2024; 2-7 pm (German time)

TopicKant and Our Present Times: Climate Change, Poverty, Expertise, and Education


August 16

2-2.30 pm                   Brief introduction of the topic(s) and the participants

Kant on climate change

2.30-2.55 pm              Natalia Lerussi & Pablo Pachilla: Kant in the Anthropocene.  Transcendentality, Nature and Normativity

2.55-3.05 pm              Commentary:  Efraín Lazos

3.05-3.25 pm             Discussion

3.30-3.55 pm              Joel Klein: Kant on the Value of Biodiversity

3.55-4.05 pm              Commentary: Faviola Rivera Castro

4.05-4.25 pm             Discussion

4.30-5 pm                   Break

Kant on poverty

5.00-5.25 pm              Corinna Mieth: Kant on Poverty, Dignity and the Kingdom of Ends

5.25-5.35 pm              Commentary: Lara Scaglia

5.35-5.55 pm              Discussion

6.00-6.25 pm              Alessandro Pinzani: Kant and Hegel on Poverty

6.25-6.35 pm              Commentary:  Elke E. Schmidt 

6.35-6.55 pm              Discussion

August 17

Kant on expertise

2.00-2.25 pm              Sven Bernecker: Fiddling with Epistemic Maxims

2.25-2.35 pm              Commentary:  Christopher Benzenberg

2.35-2.55 pm              Discussion

3.00-3.25 pm              Sasha Mudd: Kant on AI

3.25-3.35 pm              Commentary: Hatice Kaya

3.35-3.55 pm              Discussion

4-4.30 pm                   Break

Kant on the human right for education

4.30-4.55 pm              Marie Göbel: Kant and the Human Right to Education

4.55-5.05 pm              Commentary: Thomas Sukopp

5.05-5.25 pm             Discussion

5.30-5.55 pm              Luis Placencia: Functions of Education in Kant’s Philosophy

5.55-6.05 pm              Commentary: Larissa Berger

6.05-6.25 pm             Discussion

6.30-7 pm                   Final discussion; end of the conference

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Divulgação – “Kantian Conversations (Virtually Speaking) Mon, 03 Jun 2024 15:58:35 +0000
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Read Time:3 Minute, 52 Second

The ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought is delighted to present the next installment of the online seminar series, “Kantian Conversations (Virtually Speaking),” co-organized by Zachary Vereb, University of Mississippi, and Christoph Hanisch, Ohio University.

The next seminar will be given by Achim Vesper (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt) on “Kant’s ‘Mixed Metaethics’ in the Groundwork” with Janis Schaab (Utrecht University) as commentator.

Wednesday 26 June, 15:30 – 17:00 UK Time (16:30 – 18:00 Central European Time)  

“Kant’s ‘Mixed Metaethics’ in the Groundwork

Speaker – Achim Vesper (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt)

Commentator – Janis Schaab (Utrecht University)

More details (including information about the speakers and the registration for the event (no fee required!)) can be found here:

To attend the event, you need a MyECPR account. To join is free and easy: complete the online form ( and click ‘Submit’.

Once a member, please consider joining the Kantian Standing Group: again, it is free and easy: after you login, go to the page of current standing groups and research networks (, find the Kantian Standing Group, click ‘Details’ and, then, ‘Join’.

Abstract: It is a controversial issue whether Kant holds a realist or anti-realist view in metaethics. Even though there is a longstanding tradition to think of Kant’s ethics as a model of constructivism, there are a number of authors that locate Kant on the realist side. More recently, it has been declared that Kant belongs neither to the realists’ nor to the constructivists’ camp exclusively but holds a hybrid view, especially in the Groundwork (most prominently Stern, but also Irwin and Bacin). In my talk I will reinforce and refine this view. 

Whereas Rawls claims influentially that Kant’s moral epistemology and his theory of bindingness lead us away from realism, scholars like Wood or Guyer deny that the moral law itself is constructed (other than special duties). Alternatively, they propose that Kant offers a foundation for morality in a realist conception of values, namely the value of humanity (Wood) or the value of autonomy (Guyer, partly Stern). As I will argue, Kant’s moral epistemology does not place him in opposition to moral realism. Besides this, there are good reasons to ascribe a realist account to him, but the kind of realism Kant puts forward does not concern values but the moral law. Furthermore, it is specific for the Groundwork that he combines a realist understanding of the truth of the moral law with an understanding of its bindingness that refers to internal structures of human agency, a characteristic that is unfamiliar to metaethical realism. 

I will develop these claims in three steps: (i) As I will show, Kant relies on common moral cognition because even if there is widespread disagreement about special obligations, there is a high grade of stability in the beliefs of various people about the content of the fundamental moral law. Overlooked by his constructivist interpreters, Kant comes close to an intuitionist and realism-friendly methodology in Section I of the Groundwork, starting from facts of our non-mediated moral consciousness. (ii) Kant’s further understanding of the moral law is established by his reference to pure rational beings. Relying on his much-discussed use of the concepts of self-legislation and autonomy, I will claim that these concepts play a major role for his moral epistemology, but do not imply the view that the moral law is self-given. (iii) While the moral law is only constitutive, but not normative for the will of pure rational beings, it is normative for the human will. In general terms, the moral law has authority over the empirical will, because the empirical will is subordinated under the rational will and the moral law is constitutive for the rational will. Although this is similar to the divine command theory in that one will commands another will, I think it is clear that Kant uses a constitutivist strategy in the Groundwork for his account of moral bindingness to show not only that the moral law is authoritative for the rational will, but that the rational will is fundamental to the empirical will.

The aim of the talk is to separate Kant’s views on moral epistemology, moral bindingness and the ontology of the moral law in order to give a better understanding of Kant’s mixed metaethics in the Groundwork. At the end of the talk, I will say something about what we gain if we ascribe to Kant a realistic understanding of the moral law.

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Call for papers: “Kant e os antigos” (UFPel) Sun, 02 Jun 2024 22:22:10 +0000
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V. Workshop Leitura, Interpretação e Tradução dos textos de Kant
[Comemoração dos 300 anos do nascimento de Kant]
[14 anos Grupo de Estudos Kant Ufpel]

O Colóquio Kant da Ufpel é um evento bianual e chega, em 2024, à sua nona edição,
que terá como tema geral “Kant e os Antigos” e se soma às demais comemorações dos 300
anos do nascimento do filósofo Immanuel Kant que acontecerão no Brasil e no exterior ao
longo deste ano. Além disso, o Grupo de Estudos Kant da Ufpel completa 14 anos de
atividades. Como nas quatro edições anteriores, realizaremos a quinta edição do Workshop
para leitura e tradução dos textos de Kant, ao longo da programação do evento. Este
Workshop é um espaço para fomentar o debate e o intercâmbio entre os pesquisadores que
se ocupam com a tradução dos textos kantianos. O evento será presencial.
A programação completa será divulgada em breve pela página da Sociedade Kant
Brasileira, Anpof e Redes Sociais.

Call for Papers / Chamada para Inscrição de trabalhos (gratuitas)
Inscrição de trabalhos (Comunicações)

  1. As Comissões Organizadora e Científica do IX Colóquio Kant Internacional UFPel –
    Kant e os Antigos – (Pelotas, 08, 09 e10 de Julho de 2024) – selecionarão os trabalhos
    submetidos com base nos seguintes critérios: pertinência temática à área de pesquisa
    em teoria do conhecimento, ética, filosofia política, estética, lógica, filosofia do direito
    e da história; qualidade acadêmica do trabalho, considerando o nível de pós-graduação
    e pesquisa do proponente; observância estrita dos prazos divulgados.
  2. As apresentações selecionadas ocorrerão em formato presencial.
  3. O prazo final para submeter trabalhos com respectivos resumos (de 200 a 500
    palavras, com título, nome, endereço e e-mail do autor) é 20 de Junho de 2024. Os
    trabalhos recebidos após essa data não serão considerados.
  4. Todos os resumos e trabalhos devem ser submetidos em uma das três línguas do
    evento: português, espanhol ou inglês. Apenas os trabalhos apresentados no Simpósio
    serão considerados para publicação nos Anais / Proceedings ou em e-book.
  5. Os trabalhos não devem exceder 15 páginas, incluindo notas e bibliografia, com o
    resumo, digitalizados em Word ou RTF, fonte Times New Roman 12, espaço 1,5 e
    margens de 2,5 cm.
  6. Todos os resumos e trabalhos devem ser enviados unicamente por e-mail, como
    arquivo anexo (attached file), ao endereço de e-mail abaixo:
  7. Trabalhos que não se conformam a essas normas serão desconsiderados. Os autores
    dos trabalhos selecionados serão notificados por e-mail até 25 de Junho de 2024.
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Call for Papers: 15th St Andrews Kant Reading Party (Kant and Arendt) Fri, 24 May 2024 22:03:24 +0000
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Call for Papers: 15th St Andrews Kant Reading Party (Kant and Arendt) 

2-6 August 

Submission Deadline: 15 June 

As someone who explicitly denied being a moral or political philosopher, Arendt critically engaged with Kant’s work across various topics including the function of conscience, moral objectivity, and the nature of radical evil. The interaction between Arendt’s and Kant’s work invites interdisciplinary perspectives on several moral and political debates. In recognition of Kant’s 300th birthday, we will use these discussions as a unique opportunity to gain new understanding of both figures with respect to one another. 

The Reading Party will run from 2-6 August. There will be select paper presentations paired with discussion sessions on key issues between Arendt and Kant. Postgraduate students and early-career scholars are invited to submit anonymized abstracts of no longer than 500 words by email to Jacob Librizzi ( by 15 June.  

Papers should be suitable for a presentation of 45 minutes. Abstracts should be submitted in a Word or PDF file and be prepared for blind review removing all identifying details. Please include as a separate file the title of your paper as well as your institutional affiliation and contact details. In your email, please also indicate if you are willing to participate in the Reading Party if your paper could not be considered for presentation. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their paper by 20 June.  

Preference will be given to abstracts on both Arendt’s and Kant’s practical philosophy and papers that have a comparative approach. While we encourage focusing on one of the topics listed below, submissions on any philosophical issue at the crossroads between Arendt and Kant are welcome.  

1. The possibility and nature of radical evil. 

2. The (in)fallibility and authority of conscience. 

3. The nature and function of judgment. 

4. How and when civil disobedience is justifiable. 

5. How moral violations affect the legitimacy of state authority. 

For additional information about our event, including our sponsorship, please see

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KANT300 Fri, 17 May 2024 14:36:11 +0000
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Read Time:1 Minute, 22 Second

KANT300 tem o prazer de convidar para o segundo encontro da série de palestras online gratuitas em homenagem aos 300 anos de Immanuel Kant e sua filosofia.

Temos a honra de contar com a participação do Prof. Luca Forgione (Università della Basilicata) e sua palestra “Kant and the empty form of I”: quarta, dia 22 de maio de 2024, às 10h (Rio de Janeiro).

A apresentação explora as várias facetas teóricas da apercepção transcendental na filosofia de Kant, concentrando-se no “eu penso” como uma representação simples e vazia da autoconsciência. Os elementos-chave incluem a ligação metafísica entre o pensamento (espontaneidade) e o ser, a afirmação epistêmica de que o pensamento transcende o conhecimento e o uso semântico de “eu penso” na autorrepresentação. A análise situa estas ideias no debate em curso entre as interpretações de “um mundo” (dois aspectos) e de “dois mundos” (dois objetos) do idealismo kantiano, investigando se as aparências e as coisas em si representam perspectivas variadas ou entidades ontológicas distintas.

Esta investigação sublinha a importância de uma subjetividade unificada que funde dimensões fenomenais e numenais, desafiando a noção de eus ontológicos separados através das lentes do conceito de um sujeito transcendental. A natureza formal deste conceito é crucial e tem paralelo com a do “objeto transcendental” na estrutura do conhecimento.

O encontro terá até 90 minutos de duração, sendo aproximadamente 60 minutos de exposição e até 30 minutos de debate, perguntas e respostas, e contará com tradução simultânea para o português.

Inscreva-se gratuitamente acessando o link

Após a inscrição, você receberá um e-mail de confirmação contendo informações sobre como entrar na reunião.

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Call for papers: Critical Philosophy for Cosmopolitan Justice and Perpetual Peace Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:49:06 +0000
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Read Time:4 Minute, 51 Second

Para informações atualizadas, consulte o site do evento: clique aqui para acessá-lo.

Critical Philosophy for Cosmopolitan Justice and Perpetual Peace

Immanuel Kant 300th Anniversary Conference

University of Lisbon, Portugal, September 17-19, 2024

The 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant’s birth invites us to reappraise the fundamental contribution of his critical philosophy for the understanding of humanity’s final ends which are essentially ethical and juridical-political.

In this perspective, it is important to examine whether and how the Kantian critical philosophy reshapes the European philosophical tradition with new conceptual tools that allow us to redefine in a positive way the crucial notions of truth, goodness, justice and peace. We also hope that this conference will be an opportunity to apply critical philosophy to the current societal challenges that require both theoretical imagination and practical wisdom.

As announced in the title, the general topic of this event encompasses a very wide scope that may include more specific subjects for papers and panels that participants may consider when preparing their submissions, such as:

  1. Universalism and Rationality in Kant’s Critical Philosophy
  2. The Philosophy of International Law and Kantian Cosmopolitanism
  3. The Legacy of Kantian Political and Legal Philosophy
  4. The History of the Ideal of Perpetual Peace
  5. Just War Doctrines and Critical Pacifism
  6. Global Justice and Social Justice: Gender, Race and Socioeconomic Equality
  7. The Justification and Promotion of Human Rights
  8. Migrations, Refugees and Cosmopolitan Hospitality
  9. Cosmopolitan Citizenship and World Governance
  10. Political Challenges to Cosmopolitanism: Nationalism, Colonialism and Imperialism
  11. Kantian Cosmology, Geography and Anthropology
  12. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Nature, Life, Ecology and Biosphere
  13. Environmental Ethics and Green Political Movements
  14. Future Human Generations and Intergenerational Justice

These 14 topics are intended to provide us with a thematic structure that will be useful to organize the parallel sessions in a coherent way. Yet it is likely that some of these topics will be examined by several sessions, while others of them may attract less attention and will not be enough for a dedicated session. From a methodological standpoint, these topics can be treated in a systematic, genealogical or comparative manner. This means that papers that retrace the formation of Kantian ideas and analyze its direct or indirect sources, thus reconstructing their near or far conceptual genealogy are most welcome. Of equal importance and merit are papers dealing with the various types of reception, legacy or meta-critique of Kant’s philosophy, and thereby may provide insightful comparative interpretations, relating Kant with other authors from more or less different historical periods or cultural traditions.

All scholars are invited to submit abstracts for individual papers or group panels (i.e., sets of 3 or 4 papers with thematic cohesion). Every submission should include two separate MS-Word or pdf documents: one document with the title, abstract (300-500 words per paper), and keywords (4 or 5 terms), and another with a bio-bibliographical note (50-100 words).

Submissions may be written in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish, and should be sent to Fernando Silva ( and Paulo Jesus ( by April 30th, 2024.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email by May 31st. In order to enhance broader understanding, participants whose papers are accepted in any language other than English are kindly requested to share at least a partial version of their text in English as a handout or a PowerPoint presentation. Every participant will have 20 minutes to read their paper. Every paper session is expected to include up to 4 papers and a period for discussion. Although we encourage in-person participation, the event will have a hybrid format.

Both participation and attendance are totally free of charge.

Organizing Committee
Chairs: Fernando Silva (CFUL, Portugal) & Paulo Jesus (CFUL, Portugal)
Bruno Cunha (UFSJ, Brazil)
Cristina Foroni Consani (UFPR, Brazil)
Diogo Sardinha (CFUL, Portugal)
Giorgia Cecchinato (UFMG, Brazil)
Gualtiero Lorini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy)
Joel T. Klein (UFPR, Brazil)
Laura Herrero Olivera (UNED, Spain)
Luciana Martínez (CFUL, Portugal)
Marcos Seneda (UFU, Brazil)
Marita Rainsborough (Leuphana University, Germany, and CFUL, Portugal)
Olavo Calábria (UFU, Brazil)
Patrícia Kauark-Leite (UFMG, Brazil)
Ubirajara Marques (UNESP, Brazil)

Scientific Committee
António Marques (IFILNOVA, Lisbon, Portugal)
Cristina Queiroz (NOVA School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal)
Georg Cavallar (University of Vienna, Austria)
Günter Zöller (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany)
Heiner Klemme (Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
Karine Salgado (FD-UFMG, Brazil)
Leonel Santos (CFUL, Portugal)
Luigi Caranti (U. Catania, Italy)
Mai Lequan (U. Lyon 3, France)
Margit Ruffing (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
Maria Borges (UFSC, Brazil)
Maria Filomena Molder (FCSH-NOVA, Lisbon, Portugal)
Nuria Sánchez Madrid (UCM, Spain)
Sophie Grapotte (SiEKLF, France)
Sílvia Altmann (UFRGS, Brazil)
Soraya N. Sckell (CFUL & NOVA School of Law, Portugal)

Hosting and organizing institution

Centre of Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, Portugal (CFUL, Centro de Filosofia, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa; financed with National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the project 00310/2020.)

Venue address: Faculdade de Letras, Alameda da Universidade, 1600-214 Lisboa

Co-Organizing institutions
Centro de I&D sobre Direito e Sociedade (CEDIS), NOVA School of Law, Lisbon, Portugal (Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projeto UID/00714/2020”)

Centro de Pesquisas e Estudos Kantianos “Valerio Rohden” (UNESP – campus de Marília, SP, Brasil)

Grupo de Estudios Kantianos (GEK), Instituto de Filosofía “Dr. Alejandro Korn”, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Red Iberoamericana Kant: Ética, Política y Sociedad (RIKEPS), Madrid, Spain

Seção Regional do Cerrado da Sociedade Kant Brasileira

Sociedad de Estudios Kantianos en Lengua Española

Société internationale d’études kantiennes de langue française (SiEKLF)

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain

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